Tuesday 21 September 2010

Tombé Pour Elle...love this song

Really wished I payed attention in french so I could understand what the hell he's on about lol lilooo, yasss! any translation? haha mwahz xx


liloo said...

Je suis tombé pour elle means "I felt for her ".
This is a love song ;)

liloo said...

I forgot: Felt in this case means go to the jail...

CarmenSays said...

aaaah you can tell! amel sounds so full of emotion when she sings So basically, he got sent to prison and he misses his girl? lol the video gives it away but i just wanted to double check with my little frenchies ;P haha boussa kbira! xxxx

liloo said...

In fact the guy explained what he's done to her and how much he spent for her...
How she was materialistic and how he has to deal with it .