Monday 13 December 2010

I didn't know about this!

A lady named Huda Kaake wrote an article on about using cotton buds to perfect her winged eyeliner, and she used a picture from my post and also linked to it at the end of her article! She didn't even tell me about it which kinda miffed me at first (I sound such an ungrateful little rat but honestly it was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw it). If I hadn't checked my stats page, I wouldn't have had a clue! Makes me wonder if anyone else has linked to my blog...hmmm *squints eyes and ponders* (If I had a beard i'd stroke it).

Anyhoo If you're reading Huda, thank you for using my post in your article! 'tis very much appreciated :]


C said...

Awesome! At least she gave you credit ;) that's cool though!

Nada Makeup said...

loool if you had a beard u joka. but omg!! thats sick be proud sonny!! enter my giveaway young lady!! said...

at least she posted a source link and didnt claim it as her own. just last week I came across a blog post and some girl straight up copy everything I wrote word for word, all she did was used her own pictures. I dont know what's worse, stolen pictures or stolen words.